Powered by STEAM

You've probably heard of the increased emphasis on the importance of STEM, an education approach designed to integrate the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. At Hanalani, we add an "A" to STEM.

Why add the “A” to STEM?
We believe in having a curriculum that is strong in STEAM—Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. While STEM is critically important to the future of education, we believe that partnering the Arts—both Fine Arts and Liberal Arts—with STEM is essential to developing students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills to their fullest capacities. STEAM is a foundational pillar of Hanalani’s curriculum. These skills are essential for today’s students to be successful in a 21st-century world, where many of the jobs of the future may not even exist yet.
Hanalani's Annual STEAM Week
Hanalani Schools annual STEAM Week is a week dedicated to giving students the opportunity to develop a mindset of being a problem-solver, a life-long learner, and a time to discover their passions! These opportunities exist throughout the school year, however a week devoted to STEAM activities provides quality time to dive deep into real world, hands-on projects. The length of time allows students to have a sense of ownership over the projects and their overall learning experience.
At the end of STEAM week our goal is for the projects to be memorable experiences for our students. Events and lessons they won’t forget! In the future when they are asked what they remember or liked about school, we want this memory to be on the list with banquets, class trips, field trips, etc.

CLICK HERE to View School Year 2023-24 STEAM Week Highlights!

STEAM Field Courses and Activities

List of 5 items.

  • Science

    Chemistry. Biology. Life Science. Earth Science. Physical Science. Physics
  • Technology

  • Engineering

    Makers Space. Applied Engineering
  • Arts

    Fine Arts: Band. Choir. Drama. Strings Orchestra. 2- and 3-Dimensional Art.
    Liberal Arts: History. Language. Literature. Philosophy
  • Math

    Algebra. Trigonometry. Geometry. Pre- Algebra. Calculus